Canine Massage

Puppies to seniors, all dogs can benefit from dog massage therapy.

dog hydrotherapy session

Canine Message

Dog massage therapy uses strategic, often intense pressure to manipulate the soft tissues of the body, so it’s a good idea to have your dog seen by a certified dog massage therapist. A certified canine massage therapist is trained and understands the dog’s anatomy and how much pressure is needed and safe, to give positive results for your dog.

Reasons Massage Can Benefit Your Dog

·       Anxiety: Hands-on contact of massage can help reduce stress in dogs who suffer from anxiety related conditions.

·       Arthritis: Gentle rubbing and kneading can increase circulation to sore muscles and joints. The pressure of massage causes tissues to contract and increases local blood flow.

·       Pre-Activity: As like human athletes, dogs, can benefit from a pre-workout warm-up. Massage stimulates circulation; increases blood supply to joints, muscles and nerves and can help prevent injury and post-workout soreness.

·       Post-Activity: Age, over exertion, too much inactivity, and prior injuries can all cause post-exercise stiffness and pain. Massage can assist in alleviating some of this discomfort.

·       Surgical Recover: Improving circulation of the blood, bringing nutrients and tissue healing factors that speed up recovery, allowing the injury to heal. Reducing adhesions, allowing the recovered limb to have greater range of motion and less chances of arthritis and pain.

·       Elderly Pets: Maintaining range of motion, improve function with less pain, reducing the need for medications, helping seniors stay healthy and fit.

There are many massage techniques that can be used to improve your dog’s health. An example of common massage techniques used in canine massage include; effleurage (light/deep strokes), kneading, tapping, freestyle, etc.

There are various ways to apply massage techniques according to why your dog requires massage. A certified canine massage therapist will always begin the massage treatment with techniques that promote calmness and stress relief, so your dog can relax and accept the massage treatment.

It is important that the massage treatment does not begin in the area where the dog is experiencing discomfort, but gradually as the dog starts to relax and feel more comfortable with the massage, the therapist can slowly work this area into the massage.

A Certified Canine Massage Therapist will have you complete an intake form allowing them to be well informed of your dog’s reason for massage, so that they can apply the correct delivery method of the appropriate massage techniques for the benefit of your dog’s overall health and well-being.


Rehabilitation Massage Consultation 30-45 minutes $75

・ Additional Sessions 30 minutes $50

Senior Massage Consultation 30-45minutes $60

・Additional Sessions 30 minutes $35

Sport Dog Massage Consultation 45minutes $75

・Additional Sessions 30 minutes $45

Individual Massage Programs –Pricing Base On:

・Number of massage sessions
・Frequency of massage sessions
・Reason for massage
・Size and Temperament

Types of Massage

Effleurage: Long, flowing strokes, usually done at the beginning & end of the massage sessions. This technique helps to warm-up the tissues.

Petrissage: Kneading & twisting of skin and tissue, helps to remove adhesions, massaging the underlying tissues beneath the skin.

Compression: Applied in a “pumping” motion, assists with the fibrous tissues underneath. Helps relieve muscle spasms and increase circulation.


Reduces Stress

Increases Circulation

Increases Blood Flow

Prevents Injury

Reduces Stiffness

Helps in Surgical Recovery

Injury Healing

Maintain Range of Motion

Book your dog's massage

Frequently Asked Questions

🐾My dog is very high energy and challenging to focus, can they still do fitness?

Yes. High energy is a good trait for dogs who participate in fitness. We sometimes forget that our dogs not only have physical energy but also mental energy. By having your dog thinking about where they are placing their feet and positioning their body, works to relieve both physical and mental energy.

It is also good for the hard to motivate dog, as the success of accomplishing the activity is very motivating for the dog.